martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance Marches, No. 3

Tomado de YOU TUBE de:

Dracorex1312 de marzo de 2009 — I LOVE THIS ONE

Something that desperately needs to be on Youtube. The third is very dramatic and is my personal favorite.

March No. 3 differs from the others in its opening mood, which is deliberately solemn. It begins with a dark subdued quick march led by low clarinets, three bassoons and the horns (with drum-beats inserted between the notes of the tune), before a vigorous theme (with brass alone at the first beats), erupts from the full orchestra. The dark theme re-appears, is then re-started boldly, then ended abruptly. There is beautiful central section which commences with perky tune played by a solo clarinet with simple string accompaniment, which is followed by another of Elgar's noble tunes played by the strings of the orchestra. All the themes re-appear and there is a wild final section which ends abruptly.

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